Prosecutors said in a news release, that the federal grand jury in Shreveport, La., returned a 13-count indictment accusing the Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell and financial planner Gregory Alan Smith of wire fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy.
Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell
The head pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church, a 14,000-member megachurch in Houston, Texas, has been indicted for wire fraud and money laundering. He's also accused of stealing millions from his congregation.

Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, 64, a longtime spiritual adviser to ex-President George W. Bush was on Thursday indicted in federal court on claims that he sold more than $1 million in worthless Chinese bonds to vulnerable and elderly investors, some of whom lost their life savings to the alleged scheme, The Washington Post reports.

Prosecutors said in a news release, that the federal grand jury in Shreveport, La., returned a 13-count indictment accusing the Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell and financial planner Gregory Alan Smith of wire fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy.

The two men were also sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the same federal court on allegations that they violated financial laws.

According to court documents, Caldwell and 55-year-old Gregory raised nearly $3.4 million through a Chinese bond scheme to defraud approximately 29 investors from April 2013 to August 2014.

The two allegedly promised high rates of return sometimes up to 15 times the value.

Prosecutors said Caldwell used his influence as the pastor of the 16,000-member Village United Methodist Church to dupe investors into buying historical Chinese bonds issued decades ago.

Caldwell and Smith, who operates a Shreveport-based financial management firm, allegedly promised investors sky-high returns sometimes 15 times what they invested assuring them all along that they could be later sold for tens of millions of dollars.

In a statement by U.S. Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook, he said: “These bonds were issued by the former Republic of China prior to losing power to the communist government in 1949. They are not recognized by China’s current government and have no investment value.”

In the court documents from the SEC, it was alleged that Caldwell and Smith lured in 29 investors, most of them vulnerable and elderly, telling some they stood to rake in exorbitant returns in a matter of weeks.

Caldwell and Smith each face up to 20 years in prison on the wire fraud counts and 10 years for the money laundering counts. If found guilty, they also face a $1 million fine, restitution, forfeiture and five years of supervised release.

Source:  The Washington Post

There are certain things you have to avoid doing at all cost if you don't want to suffer regrets at an old age. These are some of those things.
File photo used only for illustrative purpose
When younger we make various choices without the future in mind. Sometimes those choices bite us in our mid-life. These are some of the things one might regret when they’re older.
1. Marrying the wrong person
When you’re young, check your motives for marrying. Don’t marry to copy your peers, or for social standing or out of pressure. Marry for love and companionship, marry the right person, marry your best friend. For if you marry the wrong person or for the wrong reasons, you will have to put up with that person the rest of your life. Things might get worse between you two; then depression, physical abuse, affairs, pain, shame, court cases, bitterness will define your mid-life years all because you chose the wrong one. Things will get worse when children are involved. Make the right choice of a spouse when you are young.
2. The opportunities you did not seize
When you are younger many doors will open, you will get many chances. Many young people let these opportunities go because of fear, laziness, or pride; yet well younger and with more energy is the best time to start a venture and a name for yourself. Some think the opportunities are too big for them. Take advantage of them or one day when you’re older you will want to go back and grab those missed chances.
3. The bridges you burned
When we are younger, we care little for relationships, what most think about is getting money and moving up the ladder of success at all cost. Many use and trample on people to progress, they take relationships for granted, messing up bonds, sleeping with people for personal gain. But these bad actions will catch up with you ahead. When you will realize how empty life is without love and friends. When you will have success but no one around you or no one to trust you.
4. The child you aborted
You are a young lady, you get pregnant and you are scared. You take the aborting option quickly thinking of that moment then. But when you are much older, you will look back and wish you kept that baby. When you will be rich and successful you will wish that child you gave up on would be around to enjoy the fruits of your hard work. Being a single mother doesn’t mean you can’t make it in life or you can’t find a man in future.
5. The child you rejected
Young man, you impregnated a woman, she told you she’s pregnant with your child. You rejected her and the baby and ran. But years later when you’re 50 something, you will wish you were responsible, you will wish you manned up and became a father to that child. You will see that child excel and become an aduItbut will have no claim to that grown child who you rejected from the beginning. You will regret being a Dead Beat Dad by choice
6. The marriage you destroyed
So you get married to your good fiance; the first months in marriage were good but shortly after, with your money and charm, you started having affairs. You became unfaithful. Your spouse begged you to stop, your children started hurting, your marriage was collapsing. One day when you are older, it will hit you how foolish you were to destroy the good marriage you had began to build for mere temporary thrills in affairs that did you no good. You will realize the damage you caused to your children and spouse.
7. The God you disowned
When you are much older you become wiser, God becomes more real as you see life in a more meaningful way. But don’t wait to get older to start enjoying a relationship with God. Know God when you are young, build your future with God. Don’t be a young rebel who runs back to God when age catches up.
8. The body you messed
You have only one body to live with all your life. The cigarettes, the alcohol you are abusing, the drugs you are taking, the unhealthy food you’re consuming; all that will destroy you slowly. When you are 50 and lifestyle diseases catch up with you, you will wish you took care of your body when younger, that you exercised more; but now the damage is done.
9. The time you wasted
The time you are wasting when younger in worry, wrong relationships, laziness, being a couch potato, giving excuses and pursuing meaningless things; you will never get it back.
10. The dreams and talents you shelved
Are you talented when young; are there things you love to do and you are good at them? Nurture those talents, exploit them, don’t give up even if you encounter set backs, don’t give up on your dreams. If you give up, when you’re older you will look at your peers who stuck to what they love and made it and think to self, “That could have been me”. Pursue a career, study a course you love. Don’t waste years of your life in a field that doesn’t fulfill you.
11. The name you defamed
When you are older, a legacy is very important, the value of your name is crucial. You will ask yourself what is your reputation, what are you leaving behind? Your legacy is a sum total of your actions since youthful days. We write our biography by how we live life everyday. When you look back your path and you see the mud you threw at your own name, the shame you attracted and the little value you have added to the world; you will regret.
12. The wealth you threw away
Are you riding on good money during your productive years? Earning good money? Don’t throw away that money in clubs, reckless living and wasteful shopping. Invest with that money, widen your revenue stream, make that money work for you and keep it safe to take care of you in your older years. Leave an inheritance for your loved ones so that you will never say “I wish I knew better”
13. The good love that got away
Is there that great person in your life loving you good? Don’t push that person away, or else that person will walk out your life and you will never ever find someone that incredible and who connects with you all your life. It will torment you to grow older with thoughts of “What if I was still with that person?”
14 The parents you despised
When younger, it is easy to show contempt to your parents; what do your parent’s know? They are old-fashioned, shady and small -minded. But your parents are still your parents whether you agree with them or not, whatever their style. Don’t let your parent die or age separated from you, reconcile and make up. When you get older, you will realize why your parents wanted to be close to you. The older you get, the more you see the value .

A completely heartbroken woman has made a rather shocking discovery after she went through her boyfriend's phone.
File photo used only for illustrative purpose
A young Nigerian lady has shared a sad story about how her relationship of three years crashed.
Identified with the handle, @darasimicoal, the lady revealed that she actually found out that her boyfriend whom she has been dating for 3 years, was not into her at all. She made the discovery when she checked his phone.
She revealed that when she check his phone, she caught him telling another lady that he was just passing time with her even though they've been together for three long years.
The heartbroken lady immediately end the relationship.
Below is how she told the story:
She wrote: "Just saw a chat on my bf’s phone telling a girl he’s just passing time with me meanwhile we’ve been dating for 3yrs    "
She wrote in another tweet: "I'm single now, I'm done with him"
When a twitter user asked her why she checked her boyfriend's phone in the first place, she replied that if she had not done that, she would have continued fooling herself thinking she was in a relationship when she was actually very single.

The Federal Government has come under serious criticism for releasing the names of just six 'looters' a long time after promising to make the names public.
Dr. Junaid Mohammed
The pan-Yoruba socio-cultural organisation, Afenifere; a Second Republic lawmaker, Dr. Junaid Mohammed; and the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, among others, came down heavily on the Federal Government over the release of looter's list containing just six names.
They described the list as laughable while accusing the government and the All Progressives Congress of spreading propaganda and lies.
The Federal Government on Friday made good its promise to release to Nigerians the list containing names of alleged treasury looters.
The list which was released by the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in Lagos, on Friday,  identified the Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Prince Uche Secondus;  former National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Chief Olisa Metuh; and the Chairman of DAAR Communications, Dr. Raymond Dokpesi, as some of the people who looted the treasury.
Also on the list were the names of Dudafa Waripamo-Owei, a former Senior Special Assistant to President Goodluck Jonathan; a cousin of former President Jonathan, Robert Azibaola; and an unnamed former PDP Financial Secretary.
In July 2017, the Attorney General of the Federation, Mr. Abubakar Malami (SAN), said the Federal Government would publish the names of treasury looters intermittently after it must have met some conditions.
This was after a Federal High Court in Lagos gave a ruling compelling the Federal Government to “immediately release to Nigerians information about the names of high-ranking public officials from whom public funds were recovered and the circumstances under which funds were recovered, as well as the exact amount of funds recovered from each public official.”
The Federal Government, through The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, had on June 4, 2016, disclosed that it had recovered cash sums of N78,325,354,631.82, $185,119,584.61, £3,508,355.46 and €11,250, among others, between May 29, 2015, and May 25, 2016.
Twenty-two months after, the information minister released a list with six names.
The information minister said, “The PDP has challenged us to name the looters under their watch. They said they did not loot the treasury. Well, I am sure they know that the treasury was looted dry under their watch. Yet they decided to grandstand. This shows the hollowness of their apology to Nigerians.

“Let’s just give them a teaser with this list: PDP Chairman, Uche Secondus, (on the 19th of February, 2015, he took N200m only from the office of the then National Security Adviser); the then PDP Financial Secretary (on the 24th of October, 2014, he took N600m only from the office of the then NSA); the then National Publicity Secretary, Olisah Metuh, (on trial for collecting N1.4bn from the office of the then NSA.

“Dr. Raymond Dokpesi, Chairman of DAAR Communications, (on trial for taking N2.1bn from the office of the then NSA); former SSA to President Goodluck Jonathan, Dudafa Waripamo-Owei, (on trial over N830m kept in accounts of four different companies); former President Jonathan’s cousin, Robert Azibaola, (on Thursday, a Federal High Court ruled that he has a case to answer for collecting $40m from the office of the then NSA.)”
Mohammed, who stated that the list was just a tip of the iceberg, said, “We did not make these cases up. Many of these cases are in court and the records are available. Some of the people on this list are seeking plea bargain, and that is a fact.

“We insist that Nigeria was looted blind under the watch of the PDP, and that the starting point in tendering an apology is for them to return the loot. It’s like a robber admitting to stealing your car and apologising, but then saying he will keep the car anyway. It doesn’t work that way.”
The information minister described the PDP as a hypocrite, saying, “The PDP is a hypocrite. And that reminds me of what English writer, William Hazlitt, said, ‘’The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.’’
He vowed that the All Progressives Congress-led Federal Government would not stop talking about the massive looting under the PDP.
“They brought Nigeria to this sorry pass. We are now looking around for loans to build infrastructure, and they ask us not to talk about it. We will talk about it,” Mohammed added.
But the National Publicity Secretary of Afenifere, Yinka Odumakin, accused the Federal Government of spreading propaganda and playing politics with the matter, even though, he said it would be good for Nigeria to get to a point where people found to have stolen public funds were named and shamed.

“We should get to a point where we should have a culture of naming and shaming of those who pilfer funds but what Mohammed and the government are doing is very funny. They have been talking about fighting corruption and recovering money, so after three years, it is only six names they could bring out. And even then by our law, an accused person is presumed innocent until found guilty. For now, you can call them alleged looters, not looters because the court has yet to convict them.”
Odumakin also noted that none of the politicians in the current government or those who defected from other parties to the APC and have been accused of corruption was on the list.
He said, “All they are doing is just playing cheap politics with their so-called anti-corruption war; the truth is that there is no war going on anywhere. It is just propaganda. And a minister of the government should not be engaged in this type of shenanigan. The APC can be playing this kind of politics but it is too low for the government to be playing this kind of politics.”
Also, a Second Republic lawmaker, Dr. Junaid Mohammed, described the APC’s short list of names of alleged looters as an “anticlimax” after about three years of talking about fighting corruption and looting of public funds.
He said, “I think Mohammed, his party and the President are guilty of the lies that they have been telling Nigerians. If indeed all the noise that has been made concerns only about five people, then something is wrong and I am certainly disappointed. So you are telling me that for the three years that you have been talking about corruption and promising to release the names of looters, you have been talking about only five people.

“If indeed they only had evidence that there are about five people who are responsible for our economic woes, then that to me sounds like a monumental anti-climax. There are quite a number of people who I believe are thieves and there is a substantial and overwhelming evidence against them and I believe the money they stole is known to people in the Presidency, the government and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. If they cannot recover the money, then forget about Nigeria, it is finished. And I don’t believe Lai Mohammed because he has lied so many times and if his own idea of politics is to abuse his position and lie to the people, then we are in a very serious trouble because the whole thing is cynical, untrue and you begin to wonder who is to be believed because this government is not believable.”
Similarly, the President, Ijaw Youth Council, Mr. Eric Omare, described the government’s action as “ridiculous and childish.”

“This is because, under the laws of this country, anybody that is accused of committing an offence is presumed to be innocent until the person is found guilty by the court of law. So when you say somebody is a looter, it is a pronouncement that the person is guilty.

“And none of the names on the list has been convicted. Even this week, Azibaola was cleared of most of the charges against him by the court. So how could you release the name of that person as a looter? So it simply shows that the anti-corruption war of Buhari’s government is failing and so, it’s just struggling to save its face. It didn’t meet the expectation of Nigerians and that list should be dismissed with a wave of the hand; it doesn’t make sense.”
Also, the President, Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, Malachy Ugwummadu, described the list as an insult on the intelligence of Nigerians.
He said if the Federal Government was serious about total anti-corruption war, it should also “look inwards” and name ex-PDP chieftains who were now in the APC.
Furthermore, he said conviction and prosecution of looters were the real proof of any anti-corruption fight.
On whether it was right for the Federal Government to have named persons whose corruption cases were already in court, Ugwummadu described it as an issue that was neither “here nor there”.
He said, “If the persons listed view it as name-dropping, they could sue for defamation; justification is the total defence to defamation. But I think what happened was that the Federal Government succumbed to pressure in releasing the list.

“What is important for the Federal Government to make Nigerians think it is serious about anti-corruption war is if it looks inwards and name those alleged of corruption who defected from the PDP to the APC.”

Some suspected armed robbers operating in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria have met their waterloo after an angry mob subjected them to jungle justice.
The scene of the mob attack
Three suspected robbers met their end at the hands of an angry mob today at Uyo-Itam junction along Calabar/Itu Highway in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state capital.
After their alleged capture, the suspects were descended upon and beaten mercilessly before they were set ablaze by irate residents of the area.
The jungle justice was said to have happened quickly before the arrival of the police authorities. 

New revelation has shown that Leah Sharibu, the abducted Christian Dapchi girl had made an escape from Boko Haram camp but ended up in wrong hands.
Leah Sharibu
According to a report by The Cable, Leah Sharibu, the only student of Government Girls Science and Technical College, Dapchi, still in Boko Haram custody, reportedly made an unsuccessful attempt to escape.
The insurgents abducted 110 students on February 19 and released them a month later, with the exception of Sharibu and five students who died in captivity.
They reportedly held Sharibu back for refusing to renounce her Christian faith.
Some of Sharibu’s schoolmates said while in custody, she had sneaked away with two other girls — but was unfortunate to walk into the wrong arms.
“We thought she was just going round the corner, but she sneaked out along with Maryam and Amira (the other two classmates),” Aisha Ibiwa, one of the girls, told UK Guardian.
They were said to have walked for three days in the course of their escape from the insurgents. A family they met for help on how to return home to Dapchi rather facilitated their return to the insurgents.
Hajara Adamu, another of Leah’s friends, recalled: “The Fulani man (from the family) said to them, ‘so you are the missing girls that we’ve heard about on the radio.’ He gave them a jerrycan filled with cow’s milk and brought them back.”

“Leah and her group weren’t flogged. They [Boko Haram] said it was because they had suffered a lot while trying to escape.”
Adamu said she had also tried to escape but suffered same fate as Sharibu.
She added that the insurgents laughed at them for attempting to escape, mocking them that “we wanted to go back to the land of unbelievers.”
While in custody, the girls recalled that one of the Boko Haram leaders whom they knew as “the Khalifa” came to see them every week.
During those visits, he was said to have told them they would not stay for too long in custody.
“We don’t have any issue with you – our issue is with the government,” he had told them, according to Adamu. “They’ve taken our men. Don’t worry, you’ll all go home soon.”

“He’d take off his balaclava and say: ‘You shouldn’t go back to Nigeria. It’s a country of sinners and unbelievers. When you go back, convince your parents to come back here to the Islamic caliphate with you.’”

Controversial actress, Cossy Orjiakor has caused quite some buzz on social media after making a new post about Apostle Johnson Suleiman.
Cossy Orjiakor
Known for her very controversial nature, Cossy Orjiakor is a Nigerian actress who has occasionally fired up social media with some of the most scandalous posts about people in the past.
It will be recalled that only last year, she caused some buzz online when she threatened to expose a popular pastor who she claims she pimped several actresses for.
Many Nigerians thought she was referring to Apostle Johnson Suleman whose s*x scandal with Stephanie Otobo was taking over media waves at the time.
Now, the actress has caused another buzz with a controversial post about the pastor.
Taking to her Instagram page, the actress shared a series of photos of Apostle Johnson Suleman and then tagged the post thus: "I dislike a lot of people.... Frienermies..... This Pastor just happens to be one of them......... Hahahha sue me."
Below is what she posted:
It is not entirely certain what the actress is up to with her recent post but Nigerians on Instagram have reacted with disgust as many asked the woman to spill the beans on the grudge she holds against the pastor or stop bringing up his topic on social media.

Some Catholic church members have been nailed to wooden crosses in The Philippines in order to celebrate Good Friday.
Hooded penitents walk towards crosses during Good Friday rituals to atone for sins in Philippines (AP)
As a mark of honour for Jesus Christ and Good Friday reenactment of his suffering, seven Filipino Roman Catholic devotees, including a woman, have been nailed to wooden crosses, the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, has reported.
The demonstration was watched by thousands of spectators but frowned upon by church leaders.
Three devotees wearing crowns of twigs were nailed to crosses by villagers dressed as Roman centurions on a dusty hill in San Pedro Cutud village, and four others were nailed to crosses in nearby farming villages in San Fernando city north of Manila, tourism officer Ching Pangilinan said.
The spectacle reflects a unique brand of Catholicism that merges church traditions with folk superstitions.
Many of the mostly impoverished penitents undergo the ritual to atone for sins, pray for the sick or for a better life, or give thanks for what they believe were God-given miracles.
The Lenten rituals are frowned upon by church leaders in the Philippines, Asia’s largest Roman Catholic nation, especially if the events are used to boost tourism and business.
Ruben Enaje grimaces after gets nailed to the cross for the 32nd year in a row during a reenactment of Jesus Christ’s sufferings as part of Good Friday rituals
The reenactments of the crucifixion, however, have persisted and become a tourist attraction in the largely unknown villages in Pampanga province, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of the capital.
While the crucifixions have become a tradition for villagers, they still leave many foreign tourists bewildered.
“It’s terrible,” said Luke Henkel from Florida. “You wanna stop it.”
Mayor Edwin Santiago of San Fernando, where San Pedro Cutud lies, said more than 400 police officers were deployed and first-aid stations set up to look after the huge crowds.
“We provide assistance because we can’t stop the influx of tourists,” Pangilinan said. “We don’t promote it as a festival but it’s rather a show of respect to a local tradition.”
Villagers used the crowd-drawing events to peddle food, water, fans, umbrellas and souvenirs and rent out parking slots and toilets.
A leading cellphone company provided tents for shade with its name embossed on them.
Maryjane Sazon, a 39-year-old beauty salon worker, grimaces as she gets nailed to the cross as part of Good Friday rituals in the village of San Pedro Cutud, Pampanga province, northern Philippines. 
Archbishop Socrates Villegas said it’s best for Catholics to mark Lent with prayers and acts of love and charity.
“Instead of spilling your blood on the streets, why not walk into a Red Cross office and donate blood? Choose to share life. Share your blood,” Villegas said in remarks posted on a Catholic church website.
Friday’s reenactment of Christ’s crucifixion was the 32nd for Ruben Enaje, a 57-year-old sign painter who began his yearly rite after surviving a fall from a building.
He plans to stop when he turns 60.
Maryjane Sazon, a 39-year-old beauty salon worker, said she joined the reenactments seven years ago in the hope of being cured of severe headaches and a nervous breakdown.
Her act Friday was dedicated to her sick sister.
Prior to the cross nailings, dozens of male penitents walked several kilometers (miles) along village streets while beating their bare backs with sharp bamboo sticks and pieces of wood. Some had their backs cut to keep them bloody.
Foreigners have been banned from taking part since an Australian comic was nailed to a cross under a false name a few years ago near Pampanga.
Authorities also believe that a Japanese man was nailed to cross as part of a porn film in 1996.

Some cattle rustlers have been caught red-handed while they were deeply involved in the sharing of the cows they had rustled.
Six suspected cattle rustlers in Taraba State were unlucky on Friday as they were arrested in the bush while they were busy sharing the cows they had rustled.
They were arrested in Nyogor forest by a military patrol team from the 20 Mechanised Battalion, Serti, operating in Mambilla, Taraba State.
The Commanding Officer of the Battalion, Lt.-Col. Sani Adamu, gave the names of the suspects as: Hammanjulde Yahya, 50; Umaru Yahya, 40; Paul Samuel, 35; Juli Adamu, 30; Ibrahim Yusufa, 27; and Usumanu Buba, 25.
The cattle rustlers were nabbed with cow meat
While parading them at Mayo-Ndaga in Sardauna Local Government Area of the state, Adamu said 30 cows were recovered from the suspects.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, Adamu said the soldiers were on patrol of the troubled area, where several persons had been killed and hundreds of cows stolen earlier in the month. He noted that the soldiers invaded the forest when they got information that the cattle rustlers were in the forest.
He said, “When we entered the bush on Sunday, March 25, we caught them (suspects) sharing the meat of the stolen cows in Nyogor forest. Further search into the deep forest led to the recovery of 30 stolen cows, which have been handed over to community leaders in Mayo-Ndaga for proper identification by their owners.”
The commanding officer advised the people to live in peace, while imploring those in possession of stolen cows to quietly return them to community leaders or security agents and be pardoned.
“Those who refuse to adhere to this advice should blame themselves for whatever happens to them when they are caught,” he said.
The village head of Mayo-Ndaga, Alhaji Auwalu Mansur, had told the officers that his subjects had not been able to recover cows stolen from them during the recent crisis.
The report noted that the suspects had been handed over to the Taraba State Police Command for further action.
The spokesperson for the command, Mr. David Missal, told Saturday PUNCH that even though some suspects were handed over to the command by the army, the police would carry out further investigation.
He said, “It’s too early to comment about it because when people are arrested in connection with a crime and they are handed over to us, it is necessary that we investigate and be able to ascertain the true nature of the case.

“Of course, we have some people in our custody that were handed over to us by the army, but we are still investigating. We need to know their level of involvement, how many cows they have rustled, if that is true. So, let us get the full details and we will comment on it later.”

 Its a day to remember for Corp members serving in Idanre local government of Ondo state as they embark on the exciting but herculean activity of climbing the renowned Idanre hills.      On Wednesday 28-march-2018.                                                    
  The hill is a sight to behold as it attracts tourists both indigenous and foreign. It undeniably depicts the wonders of nature in its starkness.  Furthermore, this explains why these young, vibrant, energetic and adventurous Corp members serving in this part of the country will not allow such excitement pass them by. Check out more photos below:

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