A Texas church in Paino City surprised its members last Sunday by handing out checks in amounts from $250 to $1,000 during church service, reports have revealed.
They also received a pamphlet about the giving project. “We are blessed to be a blessing, so look for those around you who are in need of this kind of blessing right now,” the instructions on a pamphlet read. “People near or far to you, strangers, organizations close to your heart or our church.” The message included the Bible verse, Luke 6:38: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” Preston Meadow Lutheran Church in Plano, Texas (Google maps) Mussachio said generosity is one of the main values at their church. “Generosity, we believe, isn’t how much you have or how much you give, but it is who you are toward other people in life, and we wanted to live that out in a big way,” the pastor said in a video online. The large sum of money handed out to congregants was donated by a few members after a similar, successful experiment with fourth-graders in their church were given much smaller amounts. Now, the generous acts are playing out, and the church’s website has a landing page for anyone who wants to share their story of giving or receiving the money.Best surprise ever! Our church gave us money so we could use it to bless others. I can’t wait to figure out how to spend it to bless others. What a great lesson on giving for my kids. #ilovemychurch #prestonmeadowgives pic.twitter.com/MFn5osMyOv— Rene Walls (@RWalls0313) March 5, 2018
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