So Cute: Young Bride Helps Her Brother Propose To His Girlfriend During Her Wedding (Video)

A young lady has helped her brother to publicly propose to his girlfriend during her own wedding reception.
The bride was about to toss the bouquet backwards but did not
A selfless bride faked the bouquet toss on her wedding day in order to help her brother propose to his girlfriend.
According to Daily Mail UK, the bride, who is known only as Amy and hails from Alabama, looked like she was getting ready to throw her bouquet to a group of female guests assembled close by. 
However, instead of throwing the pretty floral arrangement, the bride waited for the crowd to count down from three, before turning around and walking over to her brother's girlfriend. 
Dressed in a pale peach frock and almost looking bridal herself, when Amy reached her, she handed her the bouquet to the woman's delight. 
She turned around and handed the bouquet to her brother's girlfriend
While the wedding guest laughed and looked confused at first, her amusement turned to shock as her boyfriend (the bride's brother) appeared before her.
He then started to fish something out of his pocket as the crowd of wedding guests behind them also looked on in shock, confused about what was going on. 
However, as his girlfriend - still holding the bouquet - started to realize what was happening, she began to cry as her boyfriend got down on one knee to propose. 
In the video featured on Hoda's Morning Boost during this morning's Today show, wedding goers can be heard shrieking and cheering in the background as the woman can be seen nodding her head in agreement while wiping away tears, and the other wedding guests saw what was happening. 
Speaking to Today, the bride Amy shared: 'I got married and my brother got engaged, this was the most special day of my life.'  
The young man then came forward and proposed
The tradition of throwing the bouquet started in medieval times after wedding guests believed grabbing a piece of the bride would bring them luck.  
Traditionally, the bride only threw the bouquet to try to distract the crowd from ripping at her wedding dress, but in modern times, throwing the bouquet has turned into a fun wedding tradition.
It usually involves the bride throwing her wedding flowers to her bridesmaids and assembled female wedding guests.
Catching the bouquet is believed to bring good fortune and luck in love. 
Watch the video below: