Horror! Young Man Publicly Beats Lady To Coma On Her Birthday In Lagos (Video)

A young man has publicly assaulted a lady, causing her to pass out on a day that was her birthday.
A lady identified as Damilola, is currently battling for her life after being beaten to coma by a boy identified as Samuel, on her birthday at a hotel in Lagos.
According to reports, Damilola and her friends had gone to Lavalon Hotels, Ajah, to celebrate her birthday, when she decided to take some pictures.
While this was on, Samuel’s girlfriend, Mama Gold, started mocking her through the window of the room she was lodged, making the celebrant to approach her to ask why, since they’ve never met before.
However, Samuel stepped in to defend his girlfriend and started assaulting Damilola and her sister. At a point, he landed a heavy blow on her head and she passed out immediately.
The lover boy was later apprehended and handed over to the police, but he allegedly bribed them and he is now back on the streets, while Damilola remains in critical condition in the hospital.
Watch the video below: